As a syilx Knowledge Keeper...
During my young life I would not have ever thought that someday I'd become a Knowledge Keeper. Trust me it was not my first want. I wanted to travel the world, be a fashion designer, beautician, hustle art, have a boujee education and live out of my RV, with my dog.
I started working with others when I was 17, became a mother at 22, got a full time teaching gig at 23, went to school for Fashion at 28, did museum work at 30, and launched my company at 33. I'm 37 now, I can look back and smile, deep down I know, everything I am, everything I have, I've earned. Yes I have been preparing all my life, yes I'm ready, and yes I am doing my part.
Being a syilx Knowledge Keeper does not suggest, I know everything or have it all together. I am not better than anyone, know anymore or less than others, nor am I a threat to anyone else's success or belief systems. It doesn't mean I'm fluent in the language. I do not always have the best ideas, yes I make all kinds of mistakes. I am gifted in some areas and not so much in others.
To me, being a syilx Knowledge Keeper means, I have adjusted my life to syilx territory natural seasonal rotations. I spend a lot of time on the land, to learn, witness, experience, seek connection, harvest medicine, understand animals, plant life, water and places of power. Whatever good lives in me, I am entrusted to transfer that onto new learners and the next generations.
Any type of skills or attributes I want or need in life, I must acquire and become before I go around asking it of others. I experience life on life's terms and still work. I remain teachable, kind, generous, accountable, forgiving, and work quietly even though my own relatives, community/ nation members, fellow native/ non-native onlookers may speak ill of me, ridicule my lifestyle, question my worth, diminish my credibility, character, integrity, blood line, and relevance. Yes it hurts, however at this stage of my advancement, I will continue treating others the way I want to be treated, no matter their walk of life.
Being a syilx Knowledge Keeper is a lonely, thankless, arduous, remarkable, extraordinary, life long beautiful blessing. I wouldn't change it because I know from within, I'm made for it in everyway.
I cherish the shine, skills, network, laughter, details, language, culture, lifestyle, seasonal changes, magic moments, sharing, collaboration, celebration, ceremony, visiting, time away, and wellness of it all. I love my sqilxw life now and always. 
limlimt kulencutn iʔ saʔwsis yayat iʔpsnaqsilxw iʔ suxʷmʔamyam nał iʔ slax̌əlax̌t for always being there during all aspects of my wild heart and soul, I haven't forgotten you, I carry you with me
From my smudge bowl to yours

I ask kindly that protection and care be sent to my friends, loved ones, and relatives I haven't seen for a while. Let love be done with action and changed behavior, let our shortcomings be lifted and carried away to safe places. Help us know self love, prosperity, laughter, and fulfilling interactions with others because we're beautiful like that. Silence the thoughts that tell us we are not enough, f**k that noise, we are here to rise!
Kulencutn, grant me motivation to giver like the river and getter' done like the sun.
Now and alawys I love my sqilxw life
MAP (Master & Apprentice Program) with my language Mentor 
iskwists  spaʔxʷawlm  kn  tl  xʷaɬ  minik  I nsumaʔ  skwist  Krystal   wai  kn  limt  p̓c̓ʔap  psnaqsilxʷ kn  limt  kʷu  ullus  alaʔ  apnaʔ  skəlx  xaʔlt kikəm  miʔ  naqs  spinkt kn  kluləm  ilʔ  sncəwips apnaʔ  uɬ  tis  xʷuys  inxamink  ixs  kn  xitəm  I  snaqsilxʷ  uɬ  I  slaxləxt  il  tɬtəlɬt  nxʷuytn Inxamink  ixs  kn  xitəm  I  sic̓  ets  c̓mipnwiɬn  tan  qilxcən  uɬ  sqilxʷ  cawt aliʔ  ɬaʔam  kl  I  spaʔus,  I  snaqsilxʷ, I  tmxʷulax  uɬ nqilxcən tali  kn  limt  kninemtn  tan  qʷistn  kʷu  maʔmayms  nqilxcən iʔ  suxmaʔmaym  naɬ  inca  kʷu  naqs  kl  xʷit  I  suxmaʔmaym  naɬ  si̓c  nqilxcən  ac̓maʕam FPCC  Mentor  and  Apprentice  Progam naqs  spinkt  kʷu  nqilxʷcnm tali  lukut  kn  xʷuy  mi  kn  mipnwiɬn  inqilxcən kʷu  qʷilqʷilt  tali  xʷit  I  kl  sciɬn  c̓may  wikntxʷ  il  sƛ̓iklus  papuk  yayaxtn ets  mistn  xʷit  apnaʔ  uɬ  inxamink  iks  minam  iks  qʷilqʷilax  il  kl  tmxʷulawxʷtət  naɬ  I  nakwulmntət iʔ  nqilxcən  tali  x̌əcx̌act  naxmɬ  aɬi  iʔ  swilwaltət  tali  ƛ̓ax̌t  ul  tali  kʷukʷiyumaʔ  I  snaqsilxʷtət  ac̓in  qilxʷcənm Ixiʔ  ets  kʷulməmstn  taliʔ  xast uɬ  kʷu  iʕyncut  kl  yayat  stim  sux̌tmamn  I  skiɬpaxt si̓c  kʷu  kaʕp  lut  kn  qʷilqʷilt  tə  xwit  apnaʔ  wai  cun  suxmaʔmayam  kikastxʷ  an  qilxcən uɬ  kʷu  cus  xʷuyxʷ  ɬiptmncut  il  kl  tiqʷt nqilxcən  kʷu  kn  xikst  qʷitcqʷact  swinumpt  sukinaqin  tkəlɬmilxʷ il  kl  is  pax̌paxx̌t  uɬ  il  spaʔu  kn  limt  kn  xʷawist  il  təɬtəɬt  xʷuyɬ kninmtn  tan  qʷitstn  I  suxmaʔmaym,  I  slaxt,  I  snaqsilxʷ  limlimt  yayat  askul  kl  sncəwips  naɬ  inca axaʔ  kʷiks  wicxtm  qʷint  ul  kʷu  təmtums  il  kl  sq̓ayncut,  limlimt  snaqsilxʷ  uɬ  I  sləxlaxt  wai  ixi  put
English Translation
My  name  is  northern  lights  my  English name is Krystal  I’m so happy you are all gathered here today to show your support for sncewips and local artists This is my first year working at sncewips and the road has been fantastic I want the work I do for my people to be done in a good way and help new learners with our language and our Okanagan knowledge The language, the nation and the land mean everything to my heart I am so grateful Grouse is my language mentor Grouse and I are one of many Language teams in BC funded by First Peoples Cultural Council Mentor and Apprentice program This is our first year working one on one with the language and I have a loooooonngggg ways to go before I am fluent We talk a lot about food right now, perhaps you may have noticed from our Facebook Videos Our next goal for language is to have me comfortable talking about our ways of being on the land Learning language can be difficult because life is very busy, we are both stretched thin and our network of speakers is small At first I couldn’t say much, now I can tell my mentor to slow down because he talks to fast, and he tells me to go jump in the lake The work that we do is very important, and we laugh at all of the crazy things I say Language has helped me become a stronger woman, in my mind and in my heart I am so thankful I said yes to walking the good road Grouse you are a great teacher, friend and relative, thank so much for the good work you do for sncewips and everything you have done for me Here is a gift for you, now let’s smile for some pictures
In a moment of reflection

I remembered quietly the times strength was demonstrated to me. When I glance back I see how the male aspect of life has kept me safe. As a small person, my father figures and my uncles brought me to the mountains, and I remember clear as day not wanting to come back. I loved listening to the way they laughed together. I was shown how to hold guns, sharpen knives, cast fishing line, use a chainsaw, make a fire, stay dry and set up camp. Not every day out was meant to take animals, somedays are just meant for learning. I was always treated like I was capable no matter my size, age or being a girl. My tears never lasted long when my mistakes were explained to me. I rode in the back of pick ups for hours with my cousins and sisters loving every moment. When I would catch small creatures it broke my heart I wasn't allowed to keep them and had to set them free. When we would sit, wait, take long hikes, and stay quiet for long periods of time, it didn't make much sense to me.

With so much gratitude in my heart I thank the male aspect of my young life for bringing me along. I was always listening, paying close attention and genuinely enjoyed my time in the mountains then and especially now. I love who I am, and who I come from, way kn sqilxw. My love for the mountains is forever and always.

I share my appreciation for the time and teachings by showing my daughter, and making plenty of time for the mountains all year around. My wild heart and spirit is set free and fully understands. Limlimt ipsnaqsilxw
And then one day...she lived happily ever after because she danced with every element in and out of high heels, moccasins, steel toes, slides, and her favorite gumboots, contrary to any internal and silent wars she faced on her own, her radiance was brighter, her wild heart and soul were at last set free, she loved and laughed with her entire being, she is goofy, complex, emotional, multi-talented, masculine and feminine, her dreams, peace, mind, body and shine are all worth protecting, she is a warrior, she is courageous...I AM HER...SHE IS ME
Divine Intervention
Overwhelmed by consumption, I placed myself beyond human aid. Feeling remorseful for events that happened just days earlier, I could still taste Budweiser, cocaine and cigarettes with every breathe that passed through nostrils. By that point sweating it out was all that mattered. My daughter was small, and we were by ourselves. I hadn’t spoken to her in what felt like years. Deep down I knew she missed me. I quickly packed a few things for us to take a drive. “Mommy where are we going?” she asked curiously. “Up the mountain babe.” I replied. It was mid morning, and we had a few hours of daylight left, in my restless condition, I needed to leave immediately. Once we reached the dirt road and headed away from town, a sudden vale of calm came over me. We listened to music and sang aloud, not knowing all the words. Every now and then I caught a glimpse of my daughters deep brown eyes, and seen her for the first time. The light in her face instantly filled my soul. I held back the tears and swallowed hard, then swiftly looked away. As her comfort level grew she began telling me stories about how she experienced the world. I was intrigued and captivated by how much she had grown in such a short period of time, her intellect suited mine and we gut laughed for hours. The early January brisk wind carried over gracefully onto the trees. We approached a turn around spot, the road was narrow and the snow was high. I jumped out of my truck, and took a look around. Chills accompanied with goosebumps wrapped my detoxing skin. With a deep breathe, I made friends with the cold. I then chose to turn my vehicle around, and sunk directly into a ski-doo trail. “For fuck sakes, not now, not fucking now...” I said to myself with a tightened jaw. I got out to the have a closer look at the back tires. Sure enough, my truck was about 2 feet deep in powder snow. Panic set in, my heart raced violently, hot blood instantly permeated my ears. I was pissed. “Wait, Emily is sitting in the truck, don’t let her see you panic, don’t scare her”, I thought to myself with clenched fists. Another 3 deep breathes passed heavily through my lungs. “Get digging” I said in low relaxed tone. As the afternoon carried on, my hands we were numb and feet ached with prickly pain from the wet snow. My clothes were drenched and I was becoming desperate to get back on the road before night fall. Each attempt I made to get out resulted in my truck sinking deeper, the smell of burning rubber and exhaust seeped into my pores. Darkness fell. The only noise I could hear was heavy snow falling from the tree branches, and the quiet idle of my little truck. My daughter remained calm, her sweet face poked out the back window and she asked me softly “ Mommy, when are we going home?” “ I’m doing the best I can babe, close the window, I’ll be right in okay.” I lit a cigarette and was trembling from head to toe. I wasn’t afraid. The stars and moon shown down on me and lit the forest with an ultra violet blue hue. I flicked my cigarette butt, and starred hard at the night sky. With my hands in the air I yelled with every ounce of strength I had left. “WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!” In a matter of moments, a gentle voice said “ Get naked, you’re staying the night” I chuckled to myself and hopped in the front seat. Still shaking, I began stripping every piece of clothing I had on, with the heat blasting I hung my gear along the dash board and rear view mirror. My little girl sat beside me quietly with a puzzled look on her face. She didn’t say anything for quite a while. Then finally asked “Mommy, why are you naked?” I replied with chattering teeth, “My clothes are completely soaked babe, I’ll freeze if I don’t get dry, we gotta stay here tonight, we are going to have to hike out in the morning”. “Okay mommy.” she agreed. The extended silence between us was lifted. “Mommy, I don’t want you to be naked anymore, here you go”. Emily passed her coat to me and I covered up without hesitation. Soon after I could feel my temperature stabilizing and I jumped in the back seat. Emily followed shortly after and sat beside me still very quiet. We sat together luminous by the pale moonlight. Before long we were laughing and telling one another funny stories. She spoke to me in long sentences, I never heard her talk that much before. A feeling in the middle of my ribs, just above my stomach, vibrated, I was nervous. I couldn’t fight the large tears that crowded my eyes, I let them fall from my cheeks and land on her small coat that still covered my naked body. “ My girl, ckin as’spa?us” (what’s in your heart?) She paused and turned away. I could tell she was thinking and needed a second to understand what I was asking. Her eyes were innocent and twinkled in pain. “ Mommy, I miss you so much. I don’t like the way you leave me. I know you drink beer and get drunk, I’m sad inside my heart, I wish you didn’t get drunk”. Time stood still, and there was no denying I was right where I suppose to be. Her truth arrived without any filters, or mind altering substances, there was no where to run and no where to hide. I was completely sober and naked. “ You’re right my girl, mommy gets drunk, and I leave you, because my heart hurts too”. I placed my hands around her small smooth face. “Look at me, I’m going to do everything I can to walk a good path from now on, its not your fault, and I love you every single day, no matter what. I’m sorry for hurting you, I didn’t mean to, you’re the most awesome person I know. And limlimt for telling mommy the truth.” Time continued to pass and my clothes were finally dry. I quickly got dressed, and made a bed in the back seat. I held Emily close. And brushed the hair away from her forehead. “Mommy, I just want you to sing that sqilxw song”. She requested with sincerity. I sang gently by her tiny ear, and at the same time listened to her whisper with the harmony. Again, tears streamed down my cheeks, I could hardly believe she still remembered that song, I hadn’t spoken to her in the language or sang in months. We were up just before sun rise. With what little provisions we had, I packed my bag. It was time for us to head out “Okay babe, lets roll, we gotta leave the truck behind”. I could hear her tiny boots crunching the snow with every step she took. “Mommy look!” she stopped suddenly and pointed to the ground. “Kitty feet... that’s a big kitty”. Jagged chills ran up my spine and the hairs on my neck felt like hard thorns sticking to my collar. I stood above her, and studied the large tracks beside her feet. The night before we had taken several bathroom breaks fairly close to the truck. The tracks went in and out of treeline several times. The big cougar was only interested in Emily’s scent. I knew it was a cougar because in the middle of it’s foot prints, I could see where its long tail had brushed along the snow. Based on how fresh these tracks were, my heart pounded fiercely against the inside of my coat. I quietly asked again “ What do you want me to do?” and without hesitation I looked at my daughter and told her very firmly. “ I need you to be brave, we are going to walk for a long time before we can get help with the truck. It’s going to be cold, and you will get tired, I’m going to carry you most of the way. Emily, you cannot cry out here.” “ But why can’t I cry mommy?” “Because babe, it’s not safe, I don’t want to attract any animals, there’s nothing be afraid of, I just need you to know, there’s no crying okay.” “ Okay mommy, I’ll be brave and I won’t cry”, she responded with certainty in voice. Our journey began. Although I had driven this road many times and knew my way around well, everything seemed different. My runners trudged on top of the frozen trail with out sinking in and I was grateful it hadn’t snowed the night before. The sky was grey with low feather tipped clouds, the sharp brisk air was calm. With Emily on my back, I did everything I could to keep her entertained. She asked me a lot of questions about what our life was like when she was a baby. “I miss the good old days mommy”. I laughed hard, “ Yeah me too babe.” About 10 kilometers away from the truck Emily was starting to get restless. “My feet are really cold they are starting to hurt.” she said aloud in pain. I set her down, and sat on my backpack. “Face me, and sit on my legs and give me your feet.” I told her. I took her boots and socks off then placed her feet on my bare stomach. I rubbed her legs and held her hands. With absolute trust Emily held me in return and smiled. “Tell me when you feel warm babe.” I rocked her, again holding her close, she smelt like lavender baby lotion. Once she was warm, I gave her my long sleeve shirt and my socks. The high noon sun spread brightly across the frozen land. Emily had fallen asleep on my back, she was much heavier than before and her chin was digging into my shoulder. Her tiny body kept me warm. My eyes watered after strong gusts of wind blew icy snow onto my face. As I grew tired, cold and hungry, the clear blue sky reminded me to stay hopeful. I kept a watchful eye on the tree line, and stopped to listen carefully to my surroundings. My mind was quiet, I was still calm and oddly collected. By the time Emily was awake, I had walked 14 kilometers with her on my back. “Mommy are we almost there?” she asked. “Not really babe, we still got a ways to go. Maybe 2 or 3 hours.” Suddenly... “Shhhh” I said. “What is it mommy?” “ Shhh” I said again. “ Listen...” I turned my attention to the road ahead and heard the faint sound of a power saw. “Can you hear that?” I whispered. “No I can’t hear anything mommy, what is it?” “ That’s a chainsaw babe, we gotta try to catch up to those people”. “Do we have to run mommy?” Emily asked. “No I can’t run Emily, its too far away and I’ll sweat, if I sweat I’ll freeze, I could get pneumonia, I’m no good to you sick. I’m just going to walk a bit faster but we can’t take anymore breaks, so hold on tight.” I replied calmly. I fastened her short legs with my arms and picked up speed, sure enough the sound became louder. I let out a piercing whistle with no response from the operator. We were close enough I could hear voices, but couldn’t see them. I whistled hard. Emily stood beside me, I could tell she was impressed. “Mommy show me how to do that, I didn’t know you could do that, Mommy can I try, do it again.” she said with excitement in her tiny voice. “HELLLOOOOO!” I yelled with all my gut. In the distance I could tell there were three men, finally I caught ones attention. “HELLOOO!” A very large voice replied. “I NEED YOUR HELP!” I called. “WAIT THERE, WE ARE COMING!” The man replied with reassurance. “Are they coming to help us?” Emily asked. “Yea kid lets just wait here.” I said tiredly. A loud diesel truck approached us. There was a large man, wearing a camouflage coat and black tuque, sitting in the drivers seat. His passenger was dressed similar and had a large messy beard. They had kind features, and I wasn’t threatened by their presence. “Are you okay?” the driver asked kindly. “My truck is about 24 clicks up, we stayed the night and this is as far as we made it.” I said with a heavy breathe. “Seriously? Just you two? Whoa, that’s kinda scary”, the passenger expressed. “Why are you out here?”, the driver asked. “I been coming out here all my life, I’m not lost, just stuck.” I explained. “Well get in and warm up.” the driver insisted. My daughter jumped in first. As I thawed out from the heat, sudden pain came rushing throughout my entire body. My feet were swollen, sore and frozen. I could barley feel my face, and my arms were weak. My back was unusually stiff, and sitting upright wasn’t as comfortable as I hoped it would be. We were each handed granola bars and bananas. I never seen Emily eat that fast, and as soon as she was done, she wanted my share. Without delay, I handed over my food. “We’re going to help you get your truck out, we gotta load up this wood before we go okay, you girls hang out here and we won’t be long.” As soon as I felt at ease, I dozed off and awoke when I heard the door slam shut. Emily perked up and began chatting with the driver. “ This is a long way from town, why did you come out this far, it’s not everyday we run into a couple of girls hiking out”, the passenger pried. “ I guess I just needed a subtle reminder of what matters most”, I replied gazing at Emily. I participated in small talk with the kind gentleman, and returned to a comfortable silence not long after. Once we were near my abandoned vehicle, I advised the driver it would be best to head in reverse the rest of the way considering the position of my truck and how narrow the road was. Soon enough my small Dodge Dakoda was pulled from the deep snow. I followed closely behind our rescuers. When the road widened I parked beside the large diesel. “ Thank you guys so much, it means a lot”, I said clearly. “ I cannot stress enough how lucky you are, next time turn around sooner hey, haha someone’s looking out for you, that’s for damn sure”, the driver said in a friendly tone. “ Taker easy Krystal with a “K” ”, the passenger said with a gentle grin. The familiar road reminded me of Oreo cookie centers, imprinted by our tire treads it was smooth sailing. “ Yay mommy! I’m going to watch a DVD come true when we get home”, Emily said happily. As the trees swiftly passed by, I couldn’t help but reflect on what happened the night before. There were no tears of dismay or guilt, I left it all behind and let the land take care of it. I was steady the whole way home and smiled, glancing at Emily as she peacefully starred out her window. I knew there was no going back to the person I was before. Absolute certainty caressed my inner being, this wasn’t going to be easy, only worth it. Uplifting acceptance, put forth the courage in me to face my part in what caused my daughters heart to ache. Walking a good path means sticking to my commitments and to live the amends, because I am ready. From that night on, I am deeply honored to have had the opportunity keep my word. To my beautiful daughter, I will do everything I can to walk a good path, I love you every single day no matter what, you are the most awesome person I know, limlimt for telling mommy the truth. Thanks for reading Always in friendship Krystal Withakay
nqilxcen is in my heart
I was introduced to the language when I was pretty young and have had several teachers in my lifetime. nqilxcen is not my first language, English is. I’m better known as an apprentice nqilxcen  speaker. Which basically means I work closely with a fluent elder. My mentor and I have worked together for almost 6 years. After alllllllll this time, I finally feel like I am getting somewhere. When we first started out, we worked together at the community school and it was awesome. I didn’t have a lot of language and I was a very young and inexperienced teacher. Trust me I had a lot of growing up to do. The 2 year mark came and I was still no further in the language than when I first started. It was frustrating for me because I was immature. At the time I still wanted to experience success without the work attached to it. Seriously I couldn’t be more bothered. One day we were talking, and I asked my mentor, “what does language mean to you?” He didn’t answer right away. “ Well, language is something I really miss, I miss visiting and talking with people. I feel lonesome for my language, what we do here is good, but we don’t talk.” I certainly didn’t expect to hear that. I worked with him for 2 years and had no idea he was lonely. Plus we seen each other every 9-5, so it didn’t quite register. He continued telling me stories about when he was young and how people would travel up and down the valley to visit and help one another out. I was so fascinated. From that point on I couldn’t unaware myself . I knew the truth and I wanted to learn more so I could talk to my elder. Hahaha, I still think to myself every now and again “ What did I get myself into, Oh my creator!! I’m so F**cken lost right now!” It isn’t my fault I don’t know my language and I’m not fluent by any means. It is however, my responsibility to learn, not because I need to, but because I want to. I want language with all my heart and soul. Not long ago I discovered, language has been in my heart the entire time, all I have to do is wake it up. It’s the good kind of challenging, and I see the world differently. I have never gut laughed so much in all of my life! My mentor is hilarious and most of the time I understand what he’s talking about. We laugh at all the crazy backwards things I say and make nothing of it. It feels amazing! He helps me focus and grow as a person, he reminds of what is most important. My mentor has become my dearest friend and I’m still pleasantly surprised with how patient he is. I have a long ways to go, and I don’t care. I’m in it for the long haul. Everyone knows my mentor as “Grouse” he is one of my greatest allies and I cherish him everyday. 
limlimt i suxmamyum! thanks to everyone for reading. Always in friendship Krystal Withakay
A reminder
Your time, energy, support, engagement, compassion, understanding, reciprocity, affirmations, accountability, and efforts to move forward are appreciated, keep that up my relatives! Keep investing in people that believe in you, stay close to those who totally dig your shine! Rise and grind beautiful people!!
More moons
“ I’ve got about a year if that left Bonesy”, you said holding my face gently. “ Are you scared muma?” I asked while my voice trembled. “ No, I’m okay with it. I am worried about you, don’t be thinking you can get all wild and crazy when I’m gone, you worked too hard, and I am so so proud of you everyday, for the beautiful Okanagan woman you are, for all you have achieved and what kind of mother you are, I’m not going too far, you go up to mountains for me, have fun and behave yourself for fuck-sakes” There isn’t anything I could have done to prepare myself for the conversation we had about you leaving this world. Moons have passed and seasons gone by. Some say time heals all. In this case, the more time that passes, the more I miss you, the more it hurts. Forgive me for being so lost, I wish my tolerance for tragedy was as great as yours. The first few moons without you were excruciating. Onward, I am exhausted, miserable and down. Wrestling grief and fighting tears has changed me. On a good day, my chest aches, my ribs feel raw and simple joys are distant companions. I think of you often. The darkness we battled together lingers under my puffy eyes, I still prefer to be alone. The moons passed certainly haven’t brought out the best in me. I became a sad-sack muma, and I couldn’t promise you I wouldn’t fall apart. We were always close and you knew how hard I would struggle, you knew me well, and loved me in every way. That night, you gazed into my eyes for a long time, following each movement I made, I didn’t cry, our hearts were steady, I kissed your forehead, we held each other hands with bravery, until you were called upon and I let go. I love you so much and I miss you all the time my sweet muma. More than anything I know who I was with you, its time to learn how to be okay without you. I know you’re still around because you show me all time. It doesn’t hurt any less. Thank you for letting me know your happy... it helps. As more moons pass, I will seek adventure and comfort in good things. I won’t give up no matter the weather. I can keep doing my best to make you proud and I will find a way to be well again. While I wish we had another moon of togetherness, you’re never gone, just different. way’ P.S. You were always hip, a solid “G” Love Bonesy
If there are any promises that can be made í stəmkiylt, promise me you will always love being sqílxʷ, promise to love your tmxʷulaxʷ, and promise the tmixʷ you're here to listen and follow your stəłtəłt in a good way
If there are any promises that can be made í stəmkiylt, promise me you will always love being sqílxʷ, promise to love your tmxʷulaxʷ, and promise the tmixʷ you're here to listen and follow your stəłtəłt in a good way
Checking in
We all need someone sometimes, I just wanted give a shout out to everyone out there, doing your best to support your families and follow your healthy aspirations. If you balancing more than one priority, making time for yourself and helping others your doing great! If you working on you, growing and achieving small goals at a time, I ackowledge you and send you positive vibes. If your alone, and things feel overwhelming, I wish you much inner peace and a kind message or phone call from someone who brightens your mood. My dearest relatives you are loved, you're enough and I'm proud of you, giver like the fuckin river!!
iskwists spaxwawlm (my name is northern lights)
The music was loud, as a child sleep was of no certainty to me. I smelt stale beer and cigarettes as my parents spoke over one another, on auto pilot, again. Winter had returned and I was so glad. Annoyed and unnoticed, I bundled up and headed outside. I wasn’t concerned about time, I just wanted to escape the reality I disliked all along. My short arms and legs trudged slowly in waist deep snow to an opening not far from my parents house. I kept going until it was absolutely silent. I quietly made a small bed and buried myself in light cotton snow. Unafraid and alone, I watched the night sky. I witnessed the northern lights and it was unreal listening to the comforting smooth howls of the cold crisp air. In this moment, I was free. During my complete peaceful state of being, I would sing songs, re-sight poetry, cry, pray, and laugh real hard to myself. I shared everything with the stars and I didn't hold anything back. The moonlight glistened and twinkled against the soft untouched powder that surrounded me. I never grew cold, and eventually sleep would find me. When the sunlight peaked just below the dark blue sky, I seen hints of magic touching the tree tops, a patient breath brisked along my cheek, I stretched and yawned. A gentle smile came over me, and I knew someone was there. I wasn’t scared. There was no need to ever tell anyone how often I did this, or how many times that visitor joined me, it was one of my well hidden secrets. I left my dwelling, feeling rested, then whispered to myself “ I better go pee...” limlimt for reading Always in Friendship
Between the ears
Her scalp stung from the strands of long, tangled hair being pulled recklessly from her head. Her bony fingers gripped onto her small ears with every ounce of her strength. It hurt to breathe... her saddened heart pounded painfully against her chest. Cold beads of sweat filled her forehead and were frozen against her skin. The child's knees were weak and quivered violently underneath her. The counter top was nearly eye level, and her little elbows were embedded into the dull cupboard door, she gripped her head tightly. Waves of intruding noises gathered between her ears. It was too torturous to cry. The noise pulsed rapidly against each of her temples. The pulsations pierced her eardrums from the inside of her skull. There was no escaping the insidious pain. The noise sounded like a perpetual humming that grew more sonorous with each wave. Her breath filled her chest with broken shards of dry air. Every so often she could hear the faucet drip in slow motion next to her. The little girl was trapped by the noise that remained persistent between her tiny ears. Flashes of light hit her retinas hard causing her to youthful flesh to flinch in terror. Although a child, she had endured the noise many times alone. Her innocence did not suspect it, nor could she have foreseen another occurrence. It happened so often and yet hope remained in her colorful soul. She brushed her tongue along her teeth while keeping her mouth and eyes closed. The motion soothed small portions of built up tension. She knew as long as she stood as soundless as possible, the noise between her ears would eventually fade. While the noise strenuously dissolved, she tilted her shoulders side to side, rocking herself calmly. The noise began to spin, slower and slower during each passing wave, the child could at last hear birds chirping from afar. Still trembling in pain, her clenched back muscles began to ease. The spinning between her ears was much more manageable than the noise. She knew this episode was almost over. As she released her ears, she felt the reassuring tingling sensation in her finger tips. The small child blinked patiently for several moments. She was able to brush her tangled hair away from her face and wipe her sweaty forehead with her sleeve. She felt a wet nose brush against the her calve with a soft paw following. Her dog Slick, was sitting intently beside her. His dark brown eyes glistened with deep concern while paying close attention to the disorientated child. She let one hand fall to her side, still holding the counter, Slick then peacefully placed himself under her small arm. He delicately smelled her face, and gently nuzzled her making it safe for the child to lean on him while she wrapped both arms around his neck. The kind friend sat firmly while the child regained her strength. The child held onto Slick tirelessly, as her bottom eventually met the chilly floor, Slick once again positioned himself underneath the little girl providing her with a guarded landing. She lie comforted on the kitchen floor with her dog. Dizzy, and feeling exhausted the child gazed out the gloomy window, watching the dust particles move in the rays of sunlight. She could feel Slick’s soothing deep breaths under her head, and hear his strong heart beat next to her blood flushed ear. Her tiny fingers passed through his soft shiny black coat. The child whispered softly to Slick, “ My ears are okay now puppy”
One last time...
With both hands she tightly clenching the bathroom sink, once again she stared hard into the broken mirror. “One last time”, her soft cracked voice whispered. Alone she stood behind little white prison bars, held one nostril at a time and said out loud “CLEAR!” With eyes glazed over, the taste of sweet poison ran down the back of her throat. Yet again her face was flushed red, no matter how much she drank, her mouth was still bone dry. “CLEAR!” It was euphoric to have everything and nothing simultaneously. No distractions or limitations, the rules hadn’t applied because there were none. The prison bars were formed high with little to no chance of escape. The lonely soul wiped her sweaty palms on her pant leg. Her heart fluttered and tummy tingled, her tongue felt like cotton silk. Slowly she tilted her head back and softly closed her eyes. An eternity had passed, there was no motive to an end such a misleading chase. Once more she opened the bathroom door. Coming to, there were whispers and the clinking of glasses on the dinning room table. The nebulous figures had no faces, only muffled voices and darkened silhouettes. “Where am I and how did I get here?” she said with confusion. “Sit down, have another you haywire Indian!” She recognized the voice, but no name had come to mind. “You on auto pilot, Er what?” another voice asked with a snide chuckle. “ How about you fuck off and stay fucked off!”, she snapped back, “Don’t bug me, I’m inebriated, pretty sure I just came to like 5 minutes ago”. Quickly noises bounced from one wall to another. Passing aggressively through the girls chest, the loud music and voices were becoming dense. She barley spoke although her surroundings were familiar. She wasn’t speechless, just numb. The girl sat heavily on her chair, slouched back, arms at her sides and head afloat. Her clothes had been worn for at least 3 days. Each time she looked up her eyes burned as if hot sand had been rubbed into them. Although she was surrounded by friends, she realized she was completely alone. She glanced out the front window, it was daylight. “Hey fuckers, who’s up for a mission?” she spoke with enthusiasm. “ Lets get crinkled! Make the call assholes!” she added, with absolute certainty it would get done. Again the room filled with her favorite songs, she sang along out of tune and without a care in world. As she lit another cigarette, there was a trail of smoke slowly making its way out into the night. Her hands rose above her head, both waving without failure, as she spun unchallenged by the stereo. Perhaps in that moment she was free, only dismissing time, life and all of its joys. Her stance was swayed and without reason, her smile was only skin deep, and her heart pounded while beads of sweat filled her forehead. Soundlessly she froze, calmly smoking her dying company, each drag was deep and became mildly painful. Again, she whispered to herself “ One last time.” Only this time, it wasn’t for fun anymore. Determined, to obtain her vale, she tightly gripped her solution and guzzled unashamed to meet oblivion. Too chicken shit to die, and terrified of living, the inner blemishes violently oozed like boiling tar from her pours. Everything hurt, and yet not one person in sight would of known. It was difficult to see again, shapes and colors smeared the inside of her eyelids. “ One last time...” she thought, and headed for a change in scenery. In shackles and alone, she piled the prison bars high. The lonely soul began to weep, while she fiercely gasped for air. Reaching for the door, she whimpered for help, but to who? No one was there. The taste of blood filled her mouth and trickled heavily into her empty stomach. She said quietly “Holy fuck, I’m definitely not clear.” The walls echoed and her glorious chase had come to an end, it ended right where it began. Like many times before she stared into the mirror, the reflection was noticeably different. There was an unsettling abundance of pent up emotion stiffing her dry lips. Her ears twitched, and shoulders dropped. Dark circles surrounded her hallow eye sockets, no twinkle, no spark. She barely recognized the person standing before her. On the shelf to her right was a make-up bag, reluctantly she opened it and proceed to find a concealer. Any efforts to disguise herself became empty. The moment she dreaded had finally arrived, the sweet poison stopped working. No matter who the white prison bars kept out, or how high she piled them, it wasn’t enough. The lonely soul stood up straight, wiped her nose across her sleeve and brushed her long tangled hair away from her face. In that exact moment she sniveled, “Oh shit... this really is the last time.” Thanks for reading Always in friendship Krystal Withakay
Moving on...
Doesn't really feel good, right away, it takes a bit for me anyways. I find it to be a lot easier to move on from people, places and things after the fact...not before or during. Usually something very reaffirming has to happen in order for me to move on. I noticed when I move on, I feel kinda raw, sometimes wounded, and then hope for the immediate level of acceptance, that states, I'm better off, even though it sucks.
There is comfort in what I know and experience as familiar. The familiar sensation doesn't even have to be good for me, for a moment I am granted access to pieces of me I used to know. My relationship with others will change, as reflection of the relationship I have with myself. It takes me fearless inner work followed by action to live well, with myself and others.
To me moving on means, I did my best with what I had in different times of my life. Perhaps one day my experiences can help someone else. I do enjoy who I am, and I also get sick of my own sh*t too. With a kind heart, I remind myself it's okay to move on. I love my sqilx life now and always
Giver like the river my relatives
Romantic matters of the heart

My truth is, in every romantic journey I've gone through there were powerful lessons that either uplifted or totally defeated me. Having these experiences shaped who I am, regardless of how I chose to separate myself from the men I loved. I see now, there is a difference between loving someone, having love for someone, and being in love. There are tremendous blessings in each form of love I have experienced. Reflecting back is not always good for me, of course there are certain parts of my love stories that still bring me to tears, make me laugh and even leave me longing for romantic love again. Recovering from my heartbreaks has been a sacred and unapparelled adventure. There isn't anything particularly special about me either, I do not have all the answers, and yes I have made my fair share of mistakes. The attributes of the male aspect I cherish rest well in the times I felt totally unstoppable, silly, goofy, protected, beautiful, feminine and supported.

In uncovering the best of me, I have found out how much I truly value the kind of lover I am. The intricate step forward is accepting my part, not some of my part or pieces of my part, all of it, in every area of my romantic journey. Stepping forward means, I speak on my own behalf without ridicule, condemning, or destroying myself because not every undesirable circumstance was entirely my fault. There is no one is to blame for the men I chose, I am responsible for how I interact with life and who I have welcomed in. I love me more because of the romances in my life that didn't work out. Heartbreak humbled me, and in many ways redirected me.

Finding forgiveness does take time, however time will not heal me from things I refuse to work on or flat out avoid. Forgiving others does have its challenges, it is obtainable and worth seeking, yet forgiving myself often requires the undisputed, honest, and rather painful conversation I have within myself. I take these conversations to the land, water and other safe places on my own. I rarely do this work in the company of others, in these safe places, I set my wild heart and soul free, I love my sqilxw life now and always.

Peace, love and fried bread grease
limlimt for reading my relatives

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