Over the last 20 years I have been blessed to work with many people from all different walks of life. Our shared experiences are based on the groups needs and willingness to obtain localized syilx knowledge. With respect to the syilx related content I offer, we do discuss sensitive topics relating to some of the injustices my family and nation have endured. With respect to my own privacy and Indigenous Peoples Privacy Protection in Canada, group sessions will not include permission or access to the following: sacred sites within syilx territory, syilx member events/gatherings/ceremony or syilx harvesting grounds. The syilx knowledge, life style practices, ceremony, heritage, language and culture belongs to our nation collectively. My style of delivery, and articulated understandings of my nation's knowledge does belong to me, I do share publicly, however permission from myself must be granted prior to speaking on my behalf or sharing for purposes outside of our group sessions. I do uphold the title " syilx Knowledge Keeper" this does not suggest I know everything on every subject related to Indigenous Peoples on Turtle Island. I am a life long learner and advocate for syilx nation, if for some reason there are concerns about the content I share, feel free to reach me, I prefer discussing corrective measures and solutions related to my work, before seeking input from public audiences. As long as I am here, I will remain teachable and treat others the way I want to be treated. I continue demonstrating my gratitude by living a life that generates plenty of opportunities to share joy and laughter with the world.